What is integrative psychotherapy
The very essence of integrative psychotherapy is to connect, interweave, “unite in whole”…, and this process takes place on different levels.
The main task of integrative psychotherapy is the process of personality integration: the unconscious, the lost and the unresolved parts of self are connected again into the wholeness of personality. This process disables psychological defence and releases spontaneity. It helps us to give up deeply rooted script beliefs and encourages life in full contact with ourselves and others.
Through integration we need no more narrow, rigid beliefs, opinions and expectations to protect us, but we can seize every moment with openness, freedom and presence.
Therapy process relates to all aspects of personality – emotions, thoughts, behaviour, physiology and spirituality – and leads to their mutual connection.
Theory of integrative psychotherapy is based on incorporating various theories and therapeutic modalities: behavioural, cognitive and psychodynamic approach, Gestalt therapy, body psychotherapy, object relations theory, psychoanalysis and transactional analysis. Each theory and approach offers a meaningful insight into functioning of an individual. However, when integrated in a coherent system they can largely improve our understanding of human nature.
The goal of integrative psychotherapy is to enhance the quality of living and functioning in intrapsychic, interpersonal and social dimension, considering external limitation and those in an individual.
Integrative psychotherapy in action (Richard Erskine, Janet Moursound)